
  • 正文概述
  • 爆笑概念英语不完全版
    └─│  ├┈01 LeSson 01 EXC++use me!对不起!.mp4
    └─│  ├┈02 Lesson 01 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈03 Lesson 03 Sorry,sir. 对不起,先生。.mp4
    └─│  ├┈04 Lesson 03 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈05 Lesson 05 NiCE to meet you. 很高兴见到你。.mp4
    └─│  ├┈06 Lesson 05 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈07 Lesson 07 Are you a teacher?你是教师吗?.mp4
    └─│  ├┈08 Lesson 07 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈09 Lesson 09 HoW are you today?你今天好吗?.mp4
    └─│  ├┈10 Lesson 09 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈11 Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?这是你的衬衫吗?.mp4
    └─│  ├┈12 Lesson 11 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈13 Lesson 13 A new dress 一件新连衣裙.mp4
    └─│  ├┈14 Lesson 13 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈15 Lesson 15 Your passporTS,please. 请出示你们的护照。.mp4
    └─│  ├┈16 Lesson 15 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈17 Lesson 17 How do you do?你好!.mp4
    └─│  ├┈18 Lesson 17 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈19 Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty 又累又渴.mp4
    └─│  ├┈20 Lesson 19 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈21 Lesson 21 Which book?哪一本?.mp4
    └─│  ├┈22 Lesson 21 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈23 Lesson 23 Which glasses?哪几只杯子?.mp4
    └─│  ├┈24 Lesson 23 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈25 Lesson 25 Mrs.SmiThs kitchen 史密斯太太的厨房.mp4
    └─│  ├┈26 Lesson 25 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈27 Lesson 27 Mrs.Smiths living room 史密斯太太的客厅.mp4
    └─│  ├┈28 Lesson 27 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈29 Lesson 29 Come in,Amy. 进来,艾米。.mp4
    └─│  ├┈30 Lesson 29 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈31 Lesson 31 Wheres Sally?萨莉在哪里?.mp4
    └─│  └┈32 Lesson 31 跟读.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 01 A Private conversation.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 02 BreakFast or lunch.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 03 Please send me a card.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 04 An exciting trIP.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 05 No wrong numbers.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 06 Percy Buttons.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 07 Too late.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 08 The best and the worst.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 09 A cold welcome.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 10 Not for jazz.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 11 One Good turn deserves another.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 14 Do you speak English.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 15 Good news.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 16 A polite request.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 17 Always young.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 18 He often does this!.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 19 Sold out.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 20 One man in a boat.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 21 Mad or not.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 22 A glass envelope.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 23 A new house.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 24 It could be worse.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 25 Do the English speak English.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 26 The best art critics.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 27 A wet night.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 28 No parking.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 29 Taxi!.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 30 Football or polo.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 31 SuC/C++ess story.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 32 Shopping made easy.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 33 Out of the darkness.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 34 QUIck work.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 35 Stop thief!.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 36 Across the Channel.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 37 The Olympic Games.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 38 Everything except the weather.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 39 Am I all right.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 40 Food and talk.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 42 Not very musical.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 43 Over the South Pole.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 44 Through the forest.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 45 A clear conSCIence.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 46 Expensive and uncomfortable.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 47 A thirsty ghost.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 49 The end of a dream.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 50 Taken for a ride.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 51 Reward for virtue.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 52 A pretty carpet.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 53 Hot snake.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 54 Sticky fingers.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 55 Not a gold mine.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 56 Faster than sound!.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 57 Can I help you, madam.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 58 A blessing in disguise.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 59 In or out.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 60 The future.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 61 Trouble with the Hubble.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 62 After the fire.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 63 She was not amused.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 64 The Channel Tunnel.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 65 Jumbo versus the police.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 66 Sweet as honey!.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 67 Volcanoes.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 68 Persistent.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 69 But not murder!.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 70 Red for danger.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 71 A famous clOCk.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 73 The record-holder.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 75 SOS.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 76 April FoolsDay.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 77 A successful operation.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 78 The last one.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 79 By Air.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 80 The Crystal Palace.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 81 Escape.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 82 Monster or fish.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 83 After the elections.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 84 On strike.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 85 Never too old to learn.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 86 Out of control.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 87 A perfect aliBI.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 88 TrAPPed in a mine.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 89 A slip of the tongue.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 90 Whats for supper.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 91 Three men in a basket.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 92 Asking for trouble.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 93 A noble gift.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 94 Future champions.mp4
    └─│  ├┈Lesson 95 A fantasy.mp4
    └─│  └┈Lesson 96 The dead return.mp4
    └─└─├─01 第一章 新概念英语3L1-L5
    └─└─├─02 第二章 新概念英语3L6-L10
    └─└─├─03 第三章 新概念英语3L11-L15
    └─└─├─04 第四章 新概念英语3L16-L20
    └─└─├─05 第五章 新概念英语3L21-L25
    └─└─├─06 第六章 新概念3 L26-L30
    └─└─├─07 第七章 新概念3 L31-L35
    └─└─├─08 第八章 新概念3 L36-L40
    └─└─├─09 第九章 新概念3 L41-L45
    └─└─├─10 第十章 新概念3 L46-L50
    └─└─├─11 第十一章 新概念3L51-L55
    └─└─└─12 第十二章 新概念3 L56-L60
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